Jun 9, 2008

thoughts about the technologies

Discuss your personal thoughts about the technologies we've tried out so far (film, home pages, Second Life, and now blogs). How might these technologies shape your future teaching? How might they shape you as a person/scholar?

I like blogs because blogs have become global communication tools. Blogs are type of website which allow for the publication of text, images and sound files. I also can up-dated easily and frequently, with the latest changes clearly visible to my visitors. It is also a good place for teachers to collect writing and create a collaborative learning environment—providing learners with a language forum to exchange with peers and to reflect on their work, and to foster learner’s autonomy and learning strategies. I believe that technologies can facilitate teachers' teaching and motivate students' learning. However, teachers should be aware of not teaching students skills of technologies but teaching them real function of language usages.

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